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Robert Rohrbaugh

Robert Rohrbaugh

Associate Dean
Yale Institute for Global Health


Dr. Rohrbaugh has been active in developing clinical programs that integrate medical student and residency education. He has been especially interested in teaching beginning clinicians how to listen to a patient's narrative, identify pertinent data, and use that data to develop a bio-psycho-social formulation and treatment plan. Dr. Rohrbaugh developed the VA-CT Psychiatry Primary Care Clinic and Geropsychiatry service and served as Clinical Director of VA-CT Mental Health Service Line. He served as the Clerkship Director and Director of Medical Studies for medical student education and as Associate Program Director before leaving the VA to assume the Program Director role in 2008. In 2009, Dr. Rohrbaugh was named Deputy Chair for Education and Career Development in the Department of Psychiatry. In his residency program director role, Dr. Rohrbaugh facilitated the development of a social justice and health equity track within the residency to equip psychiatrists to address health disparities as part of their clinical mission.

Dr. Rohrbaugh has worked with colleagues at Xiangya School of Medicine in Changsha, Hunan Province, PRC to develop a competency based model for post-graduate (residency) education. This model has heavily influenced the Chinese national model for residency training. He was the Founding Director of the Yale School of Medicine's Office of International Medical Student Education in 2008 and was named Associate Dean for Global Health Education. In 2015, having noted the irony that global health education is largely discussed by educators in high income countries, Dr. Rohrbaugh co-founded the Bellagio Global Health Education Initiative with an explicit goal of bringing global health education leaders from high, middle and low income countries together to improve global health education.

In 2021 Dr. Rohrbaugh because Deputy Dean for Professionalism and Leadership at Yale School of Mfleaders at the School, and elevates wellbeing. 

Research Interest
